The Premium Advantage Value. It’s what everyone wants. That unique combination of high quality products and exceptional service, delivered at a reasonable p...
My writing career spans almost 30 years and has included newspaper journalism, advertising, public relations, marketing (print and interactive), magazine features and blogging. Below is just a small sample of what I have written. I am in the process of scanning other materials and adding to this online portfolio. If you are looking for something specific and don't see an example of it here, please ask!
Texas Guide
FutureSoft, Inc.
Channel Marketing Trade Show Marketing Brochures Security Information TechnologyDominion E&P Recruiting Brochure
Barrett Wehlmann Ad Agency (*BMA Lantern Award for Best Brochure)
Brochures Energy IndustryToday, you stand at a crossroads. With a strong education behind you, you are ready to embark on the journey of a lifetime ... your career. There are multipl...
Knowledge is more than power. It is security. If only we had known. Those are the words often uttered by stunned executives after discovering critical files...
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