Linda W. Perkins

Hi! My name is Linda Perkins and I am a freelance writer. Thanks for visiting my site!

As you will see, I am a writer-of-all-trades, with a portfolio that encompasses news writing, feature articles, devotionals, advertising and public relations. The portfolio section of this site is out of date and is being updated, so please feel free to contact me for recent clips!

I began my career as a journalist covering lifestyle and arts & entertainment for the Arlington Citizen-Journal, a division of the Fort Worth Star-Telegram. I then transitioned into advertising and PR, developing an expertise in Internet marketing and content development, working with numerous software companies and major brands such as Compaq and

After 25 years in marketing management and consulting, primarily in the business-to-business space, I returned to my roots as a journalist and feature writer. I currently write for local and national publications including Christianity Today, the Good News Network, the Houston Chronicle, Postcards magazine and the Navasota Examiner. I also work with a select number of corporate clients and have a personal blog, Spring Sight, which is designed to give hope to those living with chronic illness. I am an active member of the Society of Professional Journalists and the National Association of Hispanic Journalists, and a past member of the American Marketing Association, International Association of Business Communicators, and Public Relations Society of America.

My goal is to merge my experience in business with my passion for human interest stories, in order to bring value to community newspapers, magazines, and corporations with compelling stories to share.

I would love the opportunity to sit down with you to discuss your writing needs.

All the best,


PS - See a few of my recent articles below. Other portfolio pieces are listed by category on my Writing Samples page.

How a Farm-to-Table Restaurant Evolved into a Homegrown Church

Christianity Today

Community News Lifestyle/Feature Articles Magazine Articles Spirituality/Devotional

It’s Friday night, and Season’s Harvest Café in Cypress, Texas, is bustling. Dust from the gravel driveway creates a cloud that sparkles in the headlights of...

The Unique Church Alliance That's Bringing Love to At-Risk Kids

Christianity Today

Spirituality/Devotional Lifestyle/Feature Articles Magazine Articles Community News

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. once famously noted that “the most segregated hour of Christian America is eleven o'clock on Sunday morning.” Nearly 50 years lat...

How Churches Rebuilt a Town After Its Fertilizer Plant Exploded

Christianity Today

Spirituality/Devotional Lifestyle/Feature Articles Magazine Articles Community News

Most people can’t say their town was simultaneously put on the map and almost wiped off it in the same day. Yet that’s just what happened to the tiny communi...

Loving the Neighborhood Mosque - on Its Own Terms

Christianity Today

Lifestyle/Feature Articles Magazine Articles Spirituality/Devotional

It was a hot day, even for October. As the temperature rose into the upper 80s, Rich Reaves, the youth pastor at Houston’s Lifepath Church, looked across the...

Releasing the Ghosts of the Past


I hadn’t looked at my high school yearbooks in years. There was no need. That was then. This is now. I had moved on. Or so I thought. As I reached up into t...

In the Eye of the Storm - Navasota Resident Recalls Moment of Terror as Tornado Hit Home

The Navasota Examiner

Community News Lifestyle/Feature Articles Newspaper Articles

“It got quiet … and then the gates of hell opened.” Maura Pavlock was walking out of Navasota Junior High, after her son’s eighth grade graduation, when all...

Flood Warning (devotional)

Postcards Magazine

Spirituality/Devotional Magazine Articles

Recently, I was awakened in the middle of the night by what sounded like pebbles being thrown at my bedroom window. When I looked outside, I saw that it wasn...

Local Woman Helping Houston Flood Victims

Polk County Enterprise newspaper

Newspaper Articles Community News Lifestyle/Feature Articles

When retired teacher and Livingston resident Sylvia Ortiz says she believes in going the extra mile to help others, she means it. And this past week, she pro...

When Flood Waters Rise


It is day three of Houston's Great Flood of 2016. The TV newscasts look the same. Picture upon picture, video upon video, of water. Everywhere. In the street...

Is Big Data Too Big for Small Business?

Percento Technologies

Business Information Technology

Big data is a big buzz word in business technology these days, but it’s a concept not widely understood and the name alone has many small business owners ask...

Strategically Managing the Virtual Workplace

Percento Technologies

Business Information Technology

At a recent technology conference, one of the sessions was titled “Your Workplace is No Longer a Place.” The speaker made an excellent point, which was that ...

Traversing the Complex Healthcare Data Maze

Percento Technologies

Medical Business Information Technology

If consumers are struggling with Obamacare-related health insurance changes for 2016, small to midsize businesses are facing equally daunting new filing and ...

Oilfield Inventory Management Takes to the Cloud

Percento Technologies

Business Energy Industry Information Technology

“Use it or lose it” is a popular phrase people often use when referring to foreign languages and skills that require regular practice in order to keep them s...